Silverdale Scientific

Origin & OriginPro license options


Origin and enhanced version OriginPro licenses are supplied electronically.
There are three license types available for both Origin and OriginPro.

Individual user node-locked license For installation on a single PC, the license is held locally on the PC.
Group node-locked license For installation on multiple PC’s, the licenses are held locally on each PC.
Concurrent network license For installation on multiple networked PC’s, the license is held on a license server.

Any of the above may be purchased as a perpetual license or as a 12-month expiring license at lower cost.

Individual user node-locked license. Perpetual or 12-month expiring.
This license type allows a user to run Origin on one computer. (Node-locked means the license is locked to a PC).
After installation, the license may be deactivated and transferred to another PC at any time.
The license includes 12-months software maintenance. Maintenance comprises priority support, all new Origin versions, and updates.
A perpetual license also includes one additional 12-month expiring home-use license, use of this is extended if maintenance is renewed.
There are no volume discounts for individual user licenses.

Group - node-locked license. Perpetual or 12-month expiring.
A Group license allows Origin to be installed on two or more seats, (a seat means a PC), according to how many seats are initially purchased.
One serial number is provided allowing installation on multiple seats up to the licensed number.
Advanced administrator tools are provided to allow license management and protected distribution of the licenses to end users.
After installation, an Origin license may be deactivated and transferred to another computer at any time.
The license includes 12-months software maintenance. Maintenance comprises priority support, all new Origin versions, and updates.
Volume discounts apply to Group licenses.

Concurrent network license. Perpetual or 12-month expiring.
A concurrent user perpetual network license (sometimes called a floating license) couples Origin with FLEXnet license management software so that you can install Origin on an unlimited number of client PC's on a network.
The FLEXnet license manager will restrict access to Origin to the licensed number of users.
Users may also 'borrow' a license from the network for short periods which allows users to run Origin on their notebook computer for remote working when disconnected from the network.
FLEXnet tools are available for the Administrator to manage and fine-tune the license down to individual user access level.
The initial cost per user is higher than a multi-user group license, but the flexibility of concurrent usage means that often far fewer licenses are required when Origin use is intermittent across many potential users.
The license includes 12-months software maintenance. Maintenance comprises priority support, all new Origin versions, and updates.
Volume discounts apply to Network licenses.


Academic volume node-locked or network licenses
For more than 20 users we offer expiring node-locked group or network licenses at attractive terms.
These include software maintenance and are payable annually or 3 years in advance.

Academic lab 5 or 10 user expiring node-locked license
The Lab license is well suited for academic research labs which have either networked or non-networked computers. This two-year Origin expiring license offers a flexible and very affordable way to deploy Origin on five or ten computers.
After two years the license will expire and can be renewed.

Academic 12-month expiring node-locked or network OriginPro Student Edition* teaching license
This license type provides a lower cost route for universities to introduce Origin to their students.
Available for groups of 10, 20, 50 or 100 students the OriginPro Student Edition* license is available for network or node-locked licensed PC’s.
One full academic expiring OriginPro license is included for the instructors use.
*The Student Edition license has a limit of 30 accessible windows in an Origin project. This includes all Origin windows - WorkBook, Matrix, Graph, Notes, Layout, etc. Windows beyond the first 30 will not be accessible but will be saved with the project.

Student 12-month node-locked personal purchase license
The OriginPro Student version license is available for student's personal purchase and use on one personally owned PC at a low price.
The license Includes 12 months software maintenance.
This license type is only available to undergraduate and post graduate students of degree granting academic institutions in the UK and Ireland.
Proof of student status is required when ordering.
If the University are funding the purchase, or the software it to be run on a university owned PC then the student license is not applicable, and a regular academic license must be purchased

Student 6-month Learning Edition no-charge license
The free 6-month expiring student ‘OriginPro Learning Edition’ is available to full time graduate and undergraduate students in the UK and Ireland with a valid University email address
It can be requested for use on your personally owned computer from here-
*The Student Learning Edition license has a limit of 12 accessible windows in an Origin project. This includes all Origin windows - WorkBook, Matrix, Graph, Notes, Layout, etc. Windows beyond the first 12 will not be accessible but will be saved with the project.