The OriginPro "Student Personal Use" license provides students with a time limited download version of OriginPro student version.
Please note that an Origin Project is restricted to a maximum of 30 open Windows in this student version.
- 12 month expiring version of OriginPro student version.
- Free upgrades to new versions while the license is active
- Only available as a personal student purchase using your University email account through our web shop.
- Email written proof of student status at a UK or Irish university such as a copy of your valid student ID to before, but no more than 12 hours prior to ordering.
- The license is time-limited and may not be installed on a computer owned by the college or university.
- If the college or university are paying for a license, then the student license cannot be purchased.
- Post-Doc students are not eligible for the student license.
- License is issued by email within one working day after order and proof of student status is received.
Technical support is available for installation and license management issues.